Projector allows you to upload one video or up to 100 videos at a time, but that does not mean you can not upload many videos quickly. Uploading one video at a time is the easiest way to enter all pertinent information including changing the title of the video, choose between multiple Thumbnails or choose your own, enter a description of the video (strongly recommended for the best viewing experience), video category (required), sub-category for better viewing and searching options, and Visibility options to utilize our advance sharing options. When uploading 2 or more videos at a time, you will have limited ability to enter all pertinent information, but can go back and edit any of the above listed information.
We highly recommend reviewing the Help Center article on Video Streaming Standards to make sure your uploading of videos is easy and successful.
We also have developed a process we call "Rapid Fire" Video Uploading. Here is how it works:
1. Select a video to upload
2. Select "Save as Draft". That video will continue uploading in the background. You can revisit entering all the other required information for this video later
3. Select another video to upload, select "Save as Draft", and continue for as many videos as you plan to upload
4. Later, you can visit the Drafts Tab to enter the necessary information to publish all these new videos to your Projector. To find the Drafts Tab, navigate here: Content Dashboard>Content>Drafts
To publish a video that has been uploaded and processed, you must enter the following required fields for each video:
1. Title (auto populated but you can edit/change)
2. Select a Thumbnail (will default tot he first available Thumbnail created). You can select your own Thumbnail as well.
3. Select a Category (REQUIRED)
4. Select a Visibility choice (will default as (All Viewers"). Because Projector is a private library meant mostly for family and close family friends, we suggest leaving "All Viewers" unless there are specific videos you want to avoid sharing with all your Viewers.
Watch thses videos for more details regarding uploading and our "Rapid Fire" video uploading process: