The best way to manage your Projector account is on our web site at from your computer (Chrome Internet browser is preferred).
To delete a photo from a Photo Album:
1. Log into your Projector account on your computer
2. In the upper right hand corner, click on Content Dashboard
3. Click on Content
4. Along the top left of your Content screen you will see Videos, Photo Albums, Drafts
5. Click on Photo Albums
6. Click on the circle to the left of the Photo Album you want to delete from
7. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Photo Album thumbnail
8. Click on Edit Album which will bring you to Manage Album
9. You will see each photo in that album with an option to Remove, located under the word Draft, along the right-hand side of each photo
10. Click Remove
11. Click Back to get back to your Content
If you want to delete an entire album:
1. Follow above instructions 1-6
2. Click on More Actions just above the Content Preview of the photo album you activated to edit
3. Click Delete
4. Click Delete again when you are asked if you're sure you want to delete
If you want to delete a video:
1. Follow the same instructions as deleting an entire photo album, except you will click on Videos along the top left of your Content screen